asked questions

Here are the answers to the most common questions I get from potential clients...

What is coaching and how is it different to counseling?

Coaching focuses on the future and moving forward from a place of being accountable and capable to change. Counseling is more about looking into ones past and seeking to find healing. 

Why choose ‘Joyful Wife Club’ coaching over another?

Choosing a coach is a personal preference and can depend on who you connect with because it is a relationship-based industry after all.  My aim is to reach and connect with women who are looking for hope and providing them encouragement in a safe environment with a growth focus. All sessions focus on the 6 intimacy skills outlined in the book ‘the empowered wife” by laura doyle and those biblical based principles to help grow visions, desires and thoughts into alignment with God’s truth and promises.

Who is Laura Doyle and what are 6 Intimacy Skills™?

Laura Doyle first introduced the 6 Intimacy Skills™ in 2001. Since then, they have transformed the relationships of thousands of women, including mine. A couple of the skills are gratitude and respect. They seem simple right? We'll learn the depth of these skills. Then, we'll use them to transform any challenge into an opportunity for intimacy.

Can I be coached if I am currently seeing a counselor?

Absolutely, because counseling is different to coaching.

What happens between sessions?

You will leave each session with a takeaway. Your takeaway is unique as you are and that is something you can stand on and lean into in between sessions. You will also have access to me via WhatsApp, a free and reliable form of texting and voicemail, between sessions to share wins and occasional support. 

Do I need to be a Christian to be coached by you?

Although my faith is very important to me as Christian woman who holds a Christ-centered worldview, anyone is welcome to work alongside me if they feel we connect in way that will facilitate their vision and growth in a safe environment.

Do you guarantee results?

Coaching with me is by no means a guarantee. This is because success is directed solely on the actions or lack thereof, of the client. Our sessions, coupled with implementation of the skills, provides the best possible environment for success when you come with an open heart ready and eager to put the work in to see change!

It seems expensive, what is the benefit of spending money on something like this?

You are right, coaching is an out-of-pocket expense and it is an investment. I have done it myself... I used my “just in case we get divorced money” and it has been a transformation of a lifetime. If you are someone who wants to save your marriage, to find balance and peace, to create a new stress-less future; all these goals and desires need action and accountability. If you are serious about achieving, succeeding, saving, maturing and growing, the question I’d invite you to ask yourself is “if this cost is the only thing standing between me and the vision I dream of, is it worth the sacrifice”? If the answer is “yes!”, then I would love to be the one to stand for you and your marriage as your personal cheerleader of hope.

Is this online or in-person?

I do both! My own journey with becoming an empowered wife and a certified laura doyle coach took place online. I utilize zoom to meet with my clients around the world and I also meet one-on-one with any local clients. I meet in East Tennessee in a coffee-shop, your home or a park, you choose!

Should I read The Empowered Wife by Laura Doyle before getting started with you?

I know for me, the book and the skills have been transformative in my understanding of what it means to be a Godly wife. Though not a faith-based book, I believe the skills are aligned with scripture. You do not need to read the book before getting started with me, though it’s a great starting place! If you would like to purchase The Empowered Wife, you can do so via this link.

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